Why You Came to This World: Uncover the Truth with Loukas Shaman

Dive into the profound insights of Loukas Shaman to uncover why you came to this world. Explore the difference between love and light, and discover your true purpose.

The Reason Why You Came to This World


Hey there, lovely souls! Today, we’re diving into one of life’s biggest questions: Why are you here? It's a topic that Loukas Shaman, a spiritual guide and healer, passionately explores. If you’ve ever pondered your purpose in life, you’re in the right place.

First things first, let’s talk about “love and light.” We hear this phrase all the time, but have you ever wondered if love and light are the same or different? According to Loukas, love is pure and unchanging, while light can sometimes be deceiving. Think about all those people we see in the spotlight—on TV, in movies, or on stage. Are they the true bearers of light, or are they simply part of a carefully crafted illusion?

Curious to learn more about the wisdom Loukas shares? Make sure to follow him on Instagram @loukasmindbody for daily doses of enlightenment and spiritual guidance. You won't want to miss it!

Back to our journey of self-discovery. The first step to finding your true purpose is to question everything. Ask yourself, “Is this the truth?” Are the things you see and hear genuine, or are they merely a misrepresentation of reality? It’s crucial to dig deep and seek the truth from within your heart.

Most of us have experienced trauma and pain, which can block our ability to love fully. Our hearts might be physically functioning, but energetically, they’re often masked by the conditioning and programming of our minds. This is why so many of us struggle to understand what true love is.

The Power of Love Over Light

Loukas emphasizes that the main reason we’re here is to learn how to love. Love is not just a feeling; it’s a powerful vibration that emanates from our hearts. While our brains process thoughts and logic, the heart is where genuine emotions and connections originate. This is why love is far more powerful than light, which can sometimes be a mere illusion.

The world is full of light carriers—those who seem to shine brightly in our eyes. But as Loukas points out, light can be extremely deceiving. We need to be cautious about who we allow to hold the light in our lives because our eyes only perceive a fraction of the truth. Science tells us that our eyes can see only about 5% of reality. So, how do we uncover the truth? By tuning into our feelings and emotions, which are far more reliable than our limited vision.

Rediscovering Pure Love

When we were babies, we were pure beings of love and feelings. There were no manipulations, no conditions—just pure, unadulterated love. However, as we grew, many of us experienced trauma and suffering, often inherited from our parents, especially our mothers. This trauma can block our ability to love freely.

Loukas believes that one of the grand plans of the universe is for us to learn how to love despite these obstacles. If we cannot love, we become easy targets for manipulation. Those who control our thoughts can lead us astray if we are not anchored in love.

Searching for the Truth

So, how do we navigate this complex journey of love and light? Loukas encourages us to search deeply within ourselves. It’s a process of asking tough questions and seeking genuine connections. We need to discern between the true light and the deceptive light that can lead us away from our path.

The key is to connect with our hearts and feelings. When we do this, we start to peel away the layers of conditioning and trauma, revealing our true selves. This is where we find the real purpose of our lives: to love and be loved.

A Message of Hope and Guidance

Loukas has spent years studying and experiencing true love, which transcends the seen and enters the realm of the unseen. Nature, the spiritual world, and genuine human connections are all part of this grand tapestry of love. Beware of false prophets who preach fear and division. True love comes from a place of unity and understanding.

In future discussions, Loukas promises to share practical ways to cultivate love in our lives. These are not mere theories but actionable steps that he has discovered through profound spiritual experiences. So, stay tuned for more insights on how to love yourself and others genuinely.

Hi from Loukas

Remember, you are here to experience love in its truest form. Everything else is secondary. As you wake up each day, interact with others, and go to bed at night, always ask yourself, “Where is the love?” It’s a lifelong journey of learning and growing, but it’s the most fulfilling path you can take.

For more wisdom and daily inspiration, don’t forget to follow Loukas on Instagram at @loukasmindbody and website  Embrace the journey of love and light, and discover the true reason why you came to this world.

Ancient Wisdom and Plant Medicine Retreat in Greece

Experience a transformative journey at the Ancient Wisdom and Plant Medicine Retreat in Greece, hosted by Loukas from September 27 to October 7. 

Nestled in the serene landscapes of Greece, this retreat offers a unique opportunity to reconnect with nature, deepen your spiritual practice, and explore the profound healing power of plant medicine.

Throughout the retreat, you'll engage in various ancient wisdom teachings and plant medicine ceremonies designed to heal, inspire, and rejuvenate your spirit. Loukas, with years of experience in spiritual guidance and plant medicine, will lead you through these sacred practices, helping you uncover deeper layers of self-awareness and healing.

This retreat is more than just a getaway; it’s a profound journey into the heart of ancient traditions and natural healing. You’ll learn about the traditional use of plant medicines, partake in guided meditations, and connect with like-minded individuals in a supportive and nurturing environment.

Spaces are limited, so don't miss out on this life-changing experience. 

For details: 

Email: enaspecial@gmail.com 
Facebook: Every Life Mind Body Spirit
Instagram: Loukas Mind Body 
Website : everylife.com.au

Registration Deadline: July 31st Cost: $4500 for twin share


Transformational Healing Sessions with Sacred Mapacho and Rapé

Discover the profound healing potential of Sacred Mapacho and Rapé in our transformational sessions. These sacred plants from the jungle are powerful tools for deep healing and spiritual awakening. Loukas, a seasoned guide in plant medicine, offers personalized sessions designed to help you release trauma, find clarity, and reconnect with your inner self.

The Aura Pictures Showed Before and After Healing Session by Loukas.

Mapacho, a form of sacred tobacco, and Rapé, a traditional snuff, are used in these sessions to cleanse, ground, and heal. The process is gentle yet profoundly transformative, providing a space for you to explore your innermost being and find true healing.

Book your session today and embark on a journey of profound transformation. Email us at enaspecial@gmail.com or website to schedule your session and experience the ancient healing wisdom of these sacred plants.


Discover the Journey of Loukas Panether: A Master of Healing and Transformation

Discover the Journey of Loukas Panether: A Master of Healing and Transformation

Love vs. Knowledge: Which Path Do You Choose?

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