Unlock the Secret to True Healing with Loukas Shaman

 What is Healing? Insights from Loukas Shaman

Why is trust crucial for self-healing? Discover the essence of healing with Loukas Shaman and join us for transformative experiences.

Healing: A Journey of Trust and Transformation

Healing is a complex process, but it can be surprisingly simple. Loukas Shaman, a renowned spiritual coach, shares profound insights on healing on his Instagram @loukasmindbody. According to Loukas, healing stems from many small root and one major thing: trust. But what does this mean, and how can we apply it to our lives? Follow Loukas on Instagram to dive deeper into these transformative insights and stay connected with his wisdom.

When you don't trust others, you can't truly heal yourself. This lack of trust in others often reflects a lack of trust in oneself. Therefore, the most important step in healing is to start trusting others and, more importantly, yourself. Self-healing begins when you believe in your own capacity to overcome challenges and move forward.

There is a lot of noise suggesting that we need various practitioners to help us heal. While professional help can sometimes be necessary, especially if life has been challenging for a long time, true healing starts from within. If your diet is poor and you are constantly stressed, no pill will magically fix everything. Living in fear and constantly chasing money instead of love can prevent both your body and mind from healing.

Many substances given by professionals often have a placebo effect. Yes, sometimes extra help is needed because the journey back to wellness can be arduous. But without self-trust, no amount of external help will lead to true healing. Learn to trust yourself more than anything or anyone, and let the healing begin!

PS: Although many messages are delivered by myself, they are always channeled information meant to be expressed for our greater good.

Ancient Wisdom and Plant Medicine Retreat in Greece


Are you ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth? Join us for an Ancient Wisdom and Plant Medicine Retreat in Greece from September 27 to October 7. 
This retreat is designed to help you detoxify, heal, and transform in one of the most spiritually potent locations in the world. You’ll experience the vibrant culture and stunning landscapes of Greece, elevating your spirit and opening your heart.

Retreat Highlights:

7-Day Silent Retreat: Immerse in Silence for Profound Reflection and Inner Peace
Detoxification: Rejuvenate Your Body with Intermittent Fasting and an Alkaline Diet
Yoga and Breathwork: Harmonize Mind, Body, and Spirit with Daily Practices
Sacred Plant Medicine Ceremonies: Delve into Consciousness and Healing with Expert Guides
Integration Sessions: Reflect and Integrate for Sustainable Transformation
Group Healing: Foster Community and Growth Through Collective Sessions
Explore More: Engage in Guided Meditation, Nature Walks, and Visits to Sacred Sites

Throughout this retreat, you'll participate in sacred plant medicine ceremonies, guided meditations, yoga sessions, and much more. These activities are thoughtfully designed to help you process and integrate your experiences, ensuring lasting transformation.

Seize this opportunity to reconnect with your true self and return home with renewed clarity, purpose, and inner peace. For more details and to register, connect with us via email at enaspecial@gmail.com, visit our Facebook page Every Life Mind Body Spirit, or our Website or follow us on Instagram @loukasmindbody. Registration deadline is July 31, and the cost is $4500 for a twin share. Don’t miss out on this life-changing experience!


Experience Transformation with Sacred Mapacho and Rapé

Experience transformational healing with sacred Mapacho and Rapé, powerful snuffs from the jungle. These ancient techniques offer profound healing benefits, cleansing the mind, body, and spirit. Mapacho, a type of tobacco used in traditional shamanic practices, helps clear mental fog and connects you with deeper layers of consciousness. Rapé, a blend of powdered herbs, is used to ground the mind, release negative energies, and promote emotional balance.

The Aura Pictures Showed Before and After Healing Session by Loukas.

To book a session and witness the transformation these sacred practices can bring, contact us through our social media channels or visit our website. Discover the profound impact of these ancient healing methods and start your journey toward a more balanced and harmonious life.

Final Thoughts

Healing is a deeply personal journey, rooted in trust and self-belief. By understanding and embracing this, you can unlock profound transformation and well-being. Engage with Loukas Shaman’s wisdom on Instagram @loukasmindbody and take the first step towards a more empowered and healed self.

For more information and to book a session for transformational healing with sacred Mapacho and Rapé, connect with us today. Embrace the journey, and let your healing begin.


Discover the Journey of Loukas Panether: A Master of Healing and Transformation

Discover the Journey of Loukas Panether: A Master of Healing and Transformation

Love vs. Knowledge: Which Path Do You Choose?

Where to Start Healing: Your Journey Begins Here