Are You Really Spiritual? Discover Loukas Panether's Insights

 Are You Really Spiritual? Insights from Loukas Panether, Spiritual Coach in Melbourne

Explore profound insights on true spirituality with Loukas Panether, a leading spiritual coach in Melbourne. Learn about shamanic practitioner training in Australia.

In our fast-paced world, the concept of spirituality is often misunderstood. Many claim to be spiritual, yet their actions contradict their words. Loukas Panether, a renowned spiritual coach in Melbourne, dives deep into what it truly means to be spiritual in his reels.


What Does It Mean to Be Spiritual?

People say they are spiritual, yet every single day they wake up without a smile and fail to treat others with kindness and respect. So, how can you claim to be spiritual if you don't treat people in the right manner? Spirituality isn't just about rituals or meditations; it's about how you treat others every single day.

The Power of Kindness

Loukas emphasizes that true spirituality is reflected in your actions. If you think you are spiritual and believe that God loves you, then you must do the right thing. God always loves you, but you should treat others with kindness. If you are spiritual, then smile, say good morning, say good night, and give love. One of the most effective ways to be spiritual is simply to smile yourself. Your genuine smile can be contagious and encourage others to reciprocate.

Practical Ways to Be Spiritual

  1. Smile: Your smile is a powerful tool. It can brighten someone’s day and spread positivity.
  2. Positive Speech: Speak in a positive and uplifting manner. Use words that evoke happiness and joy.
  3. Share Laughter: Share jokes, funny stories, or light-hearted anecdotes to lighten the mood and bring a smile to people’s faces.
  4. Offer Compliments: Offer sincere compliments and words of encouragement. Acknowledging others’ strengths and achievements can lift their spirits and make them smile.

These simple acts of kindness and positivity are effective ways to be spiritual and make a difference in our world. If you're looking to deepen your spiritual journey, follow Loukas on Instagram for daily inspiration: Loukas Panether Instagram.

Join Our Ancient Wisdom and Plant Medicine Retreat

For those seeking a profound spiritual experience, Loukas is hosting an Ancient Wisdom and Plant Medicine Retreat in Greece from September 27 to October 7, 2024. Imagine waking up to the golden hues of the Greek sunrise, where the serene beauty of the Mediterranean meets the rich history of ancient civilizations. This retreat is an opportunity to connect deeply with yourself and nature, guided by the wisdom of ancient traditions and the healing power of plant medicine.

Retreat Highlights:

  • 7-Day Silent Retreat: Immerse yourself in profound silence, allowing deep introspection and inner peace.
  • Detoxification: Cleanse your body with intermittent fasting and a diet of alkaline foods designed to rejuvenate and energize.
  • Yoga and Breathwork: Daily sessions to harmonize your mind, body, and spirit, enhancing your physical and mental well-being.
  • Plant Medicine Ceremonies: Engage in sacred plant medicine ceremonies, guided by experienced facilitators, to unlock deeper layers of consciousness and healing.
  • Integration Sessions: Thoughtfully designed to help you process and integrate your experiences, ensuring lasting transformation.
  • Group Healing: Participate in powerful group healing sessions, fostering a sense of community and shared growth.
  • And Much More: Enjoy additional activities designed to enrich your retreat experience, including guided meditation, nature walks, and visits to local sacred sites.

In the final days of the retreat, transition out of silence and engage in communal activities, sharing your journey with fellow participants and embracing the collective energy of the group.

This retreat is a unique opportunity to detoxify, heal, and transform in one of the most spiritually charged locations in the world. Reconnect with your true self and return home with a renewed sense of clarity, purpose, and inner peace. 

Embrace this chance to embark on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth in one of the most beautiful places on earth. Let the vibrant culture and stunning landscapes of Greece elevate your spirit and open your heart. For more details, connect via email at, visit our Facebook page, or follow us on Instagram at Loukas Panether Instagram, and the deadline to register for this retreat is July 31st. Join us and let the magic of Greece and the wisdom of ancient practices guide you to a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you.

Book a Healing Session

Experience transformational healing with sacred mapacho and rapé, a snuff from the jungle. These powerful plant medicines offer profound healing benefits, helping to cleanse the mind, body, and spirit. Loukas specializes in these ancient techniques, bringing deep, restorative healing to those in need. To book a session and witness the transformation, visit our website or contact us through our social media channels. Embrace this opportunity to heal and grow with Loukas's expert guidance and compassionate care.

The Aura Pictures Shown Before and After Healing Session by Loukas.

And Are You Spiritual?

True spirituality is about embodying kindness, positivity, and love in your daily interactions. Loukas Panether’s teachings remind us that spirituality is more than a belief; it's a way of life. Let’s embrace these values and make a positive impact on those around us.

For any questions about this article, feel free to contact us at  admin of Loukas Mind Body  team. 


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